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"modelName": "wetlands" }, { "name": "TIDAL_WETLANDS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Are there Tidal Wetlands?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "tidal_wetlands" }, { "name": "TIDAL_WETLAND_ACRES_DEC", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Estimated Acres of Tidal Wetlands", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "tidal_wetland_acres_dec" }, { "name": "NON_TIDAL_WETLANDS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Are there Non-Tidal Wetlands?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "non_tidal_wetlands" }, { "name": "NON_TIDAL_WET_ACRES_DEC", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Estimated Acres of Non-Tidal Wetlands", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "non_tidal_wet_acres_dec" }, { "name": "IMPACT_WETLANDS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Will the site design proposed directly impact these wetland areas and/or do you anticipate a wetlands permit will be required?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "impact_wetlands" }, { "name": "IMPACTED_WETLAND_ACRES_DEC", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Estimated acres of wetlands impacted", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "impacted_wetland_acres_dec" }, { "name": "WETLANDS_DELINEATED", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Have the wetlands been delineated?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "wetlands_delineated" }, { "name": "ARMY_CORPS_WETLANDS_DEL", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Has the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed off on the delineation?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "army_corps_wetlands_del" }, { "name": "DITCH", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Based on your PLUS Pre-Check report, is this site within the buffer area or contain a Tax Ditch, public ditch, or private ditch (that directs water off-site)?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "ditch" }, { "name": "STORMWATER_MANAGEMENT_PROPOSED", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "List the proposed stormwater management practices for this site", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "stormwater_management_proposed" }, { "name": "OPEN_SPACE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Is there Open Space proposed for this project?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "open_space" }, { "name": "OPEN_SPACE_ACRES_DEC", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Estimated acres of Open Space proposed", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "open_space_acres_dec" }, { "name": "TYPE_OPEN_SPACE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "What kind of Open Space? (Select all that apply)", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "type_open_space" }, { "name": "OTHER_OPEN_SPACE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Please list the \"other\" type of Open Space", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "other_open_space" }, { "name": "COMMUNITY_USE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Will any land from this project be dedicated for community use (e.g. police, fire, school)?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "community_use" }, { "name": "COMMUNITY_USE_DESC", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Please describe anticipated community use", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "community_use_desc" }, { "name": "VEHICLE_TRIPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Do you have estimated vehicle trip information?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "vehicle_trips" }, { "name": "EST_TRIPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Please provide estimated vehicle trips this project will generate on an average weekday.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "est_trips" }, { "name": "PERCENT_TRUCKS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "What percentage of these trips will be from school buses, large commercial trucks such as Tractor-trailers, and/or delivery trucks (larger than a van or pick-up)?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "percent_trucks" }, { "name": "STATE_ROADS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Will this project connect to State maintained roads?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "state_roads" }, { "name": "FUTURE_CONNECTIONS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Please list any locations where this project could physically be connected to existing or future development or adjacent land for connectivity/mobility and indicate your willingness to discuss making these connections.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "future_connections" }, { "name": "EXISTING_SIDEWALKS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Are there existing sidewalks?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "existing_sidewalks" }, { "name": "EX_SIDE_TYPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Type of existing sidewalks", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "ex_side_type" }, { "name": "PROPOSED_SIDEWALKS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Are there proposed sidewalks?", "domain": 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"proposed_bike_paths" }, { "name": "PROP_BIKE_TYPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Type of proposed bike paths", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "prop_bike_type" }, { "name": "PATH_ACCESS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Is there a proposed or existing accessway (sidewalk transition from infrastructure in ROW to internal pathways)?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "path_access" }, { "name": "EXISTING_TRANSIT_STOPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Are there existing transit/bus stops?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "existing_transit_stops" }, { "name": "TRANSIT_TYPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Type of exising transit/bus stops?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": 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"defaultValue": null, "modelName": "evaluated_hist_cultural" }, { "name": "SITE_HIST_DESC", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Please provide details regarding that evaluation by a cultural resource professional.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 500, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "site_hist_desc" }, { "name": "SITE_HIST_ACKN", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "I acknowledge that the Pre-Check against the CHRIS system did not identify any historic/cultural resource areas on this site.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "site_hist_ackn" }, { "name": "KNOWN_HIST_CULTURAL", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Based on your PLUS Pre-Check report, is this site in the VICINITY of any known historic/cultural resources or sites?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "known_hist_cultural" }, { "name": "VIC_HIST_DESC", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Please provide details regarding known historic/cultural resources near the project site.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 500, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "vic_hist_desc" }, { "name": "VIC_HIST_ACKN", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "I acknowledge that the Pre-Check against the CHRIS system did not identify any historic/cultural resource areas near this site.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "vic_hist_ackn" }, { "name": "PROP_OWNER_FORM", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Is the person completing this form the Property Owner?", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "prop_owner_form" }, { "name": "PROP_OWNER_NOTE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "After you submit this application, you will be emailed with a request to upload the Owner Signature Form to the Delaware Planning DropBox site.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "prop_owner_note" }, { "name": "PROP_OWN_ACKNOWLEGE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "As the project contact I acknowlege that this application will not be complete until OSPC recieves the Owner Signature Form", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "prop_own_acknowlege" }, { "name": "SITE_DESIGN", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "After you submit this application, you will be emailed with a request to upload all supporting documents (site plans, comp plans, ordinances, historic/cultural documents, etc.) to the Delaware Planning DropBox site.", "domain": null, "editable": true, "nullable": true, "length": 255, "defaultValue": null, "modelName": "site_design" }, { "name": "STRATEGIES", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Strategies", "domain": 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