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From April through December, Delaware is producing a bountiful amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, cut flowers, and evergreens. Our seasonality offers distinct flavors, colors, and variety that appeal to all.<\/SPAN><\/P>

As a consumer, you want the best for you and your family. Knowing that the fresh produce you purchased has had the minimum amount of time \"off the vine\" is important. In a small state like Delaware, our farmers pick early in the morning so you have the freshest selection at the market. And with less time to reach the market, nutrients are retained, making Delaware grown produce more nutritious.<\/SPAN><\/P>

So join our Delaware Grown journey to Pick Fresh, Pick First. We are going to cover the state from shopping at farmers' markets and farm stands to making memories at a U-pick farm to meeting the farmers who grow your food to learning how to cook fresh food for you and your family.<\/SPAN><\/P>

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