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Environmental/DE_Protected_Natural_Resources (MapServer)

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Service Description:

Park Facilities - outdoor recreational facilities throughout Delaware

Natural Areas - boundaries for the Natural Areas Inventory statewide for the purpose of achieving voluntary land protection of the most important natural areas in Delaware.

Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program Lands – Lands where Delaware Land & Water Conservation Trust Fund (now the Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program) monies have been invested.

Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program Open Space - land protected in perpetuity under the Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program

Land and Water Conservation Fund – Lands protected under the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Nature Preserves - lands preserved under the Delaware Nature Preserves Program

Outdoor Recreation Areas - The Outdoor Recreation Inventory (ORI) was originally created to track publicly owned lands within Delaware that are open for public recreation. The database has since been expanded to include all publicly and privately owned protected lands (Federal, State, County, Municipal and private conservation) regardless of whether they are open to the public or not.

Public Protected Lands – Outdoor Recreation Areas open to the public.

No Build Lines and Points - To ensure that beaches and dunes are able to perform their protective and recreational functions, construction must be kept off them. A Building Line has been established along the coast as part of the Regulations Governing Beach Protection and the Use of Beaches. The Building Line, which parallels the coastline, is designated on DNREC maps. No construction may take place seaward of the Line without a Coastal Construction Permit or Coastal Construction Letter of Approval from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control(DNREC)

Map Name: DE_Protected_Natural_Resources


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Layers: Tables: Description: No Build Lines and Points - To ensure that beaches and dunes are able to perform their protective and recreational functions, construction must be kept off them. A Building Line has been established along the coast as part of the Regulations Governing Beach Protection and the Use of Beaches. The Building Line, which parallels the coastline, is designated on DNREC maps. No construction may take place seaward of the Line without a Coastal Construction Permit or Coastal Construction Letter of Approval from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control(DNREC).Park Facilities - outdoor recreational facilities throughout Delaware.Natural Areas - boundaries for the Natural Areas Inventory statewide for the purpose of achieving voluntary land protection of the most important natural areas in Delaware.Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program Lands – Lands where Delaware Land & Water Conservation Trust Fund (now the Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program) monies have been invested.Land and Water Conservation Fund – Lands protected under the Land and Water Conservation Fund.Nature Preserves - lands preserved under the Delaware Nature Preserves Program.Outdoor Recreation Areas - The Outdoor Recreation Inventory (ORI) was originally created to track publicly owned lands within Delaware that are open for public recreation. The database has since been expanded to include all publicly and privately owned protected lands (Federal, State, County, Municipal and private conservation) regardless of whether they are open to the public or not.Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails Program Open Space - land protected in perpetuity under the Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Trails ProgramPublic Protected Lands – Outdoor Recreation Areas open to the public.Conservation Easements - Includes all Conservation Easements held by Delaware State Parks, both current and historic. Also includes a partial & non-comprehensive list of Conservation Easements held by other State agencies and NGOs.

Copyright Text: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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