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Legend (Environmental/Permitting_and_Monitoring)

Septic Soil Borings (0)
Certified Brownfields (1)
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (2)
SIRS Sites (3)
Underground Storage Tanks (4)
Solid and Hazardous Waste (5)
Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Site Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Site
Hazardous Waste Generator Hazardous Waste Generator
Infectious Waste Infectious Waste
Salvage Yard Salvage Yard
Solid Waste Landfill Solid Waste Landfill
Solid Waste Recycling Solid Waste Recycling
Solid/Infectous Waste Transfer Station Solid/Infectous Waste Transfer Station
Unpermitted Landfills/Dumps Unpermitted Landfills/Dumps
<all other values> <all other values>
Wellhead Protection Areas (6)
Saltwater Tidal Buffer (7)
Biosolids and Residuals (8)
Zone A - Active Site Zone A - Active Site
Zone B - Active Site Zone B - Active Site
Zone A - Inactive Site Zone A - Inactive Site
Zone B - Inactive Site Zone B - Inactive Site
Large Systems (9)
Septic-UIC Septic-UIC
Septic-NonUIC Septic-NonUIC
Spray Irrigation Spray Irrigation
Groundwater Management Zones (10)
DOW-RPS,1 Zone DOW-RPS,1 Zone
HSCA,1 Zone HSCA,1 Zone
SHWMB,1 Zone SHWMB,1 Zone
TMB,1 Zone TMB,1 Zone
RS, 1 Zone RS, 1 Zone
Multiple,Zone A Multiple,Zone A
Multiple,Zone B Multiple,Zone B
RS,Zone A RS,Zone A
RS,Zone B and Zone C RS,Zone B and Zone C
TMB,Zone A TMB,Zone A
TMB,Zone B TMB,Zone B
Sussex County Landfills (11)
No Wells No Wells
Zone A Zone A
Zone B Zone B
<all other values> <all other values>
Non-Public Wells (12)
SIRS Projects (13)
Air Monitoring Stations (14)
Site Index Consolidated (15)
Animal Operations Animal Operations
Combined Sewer Overflow Combined Sewer Overflow
Dredge Spoil Disposal Areas Dredge Spoil Disposal Areas
Hazardous Waste Generators Hazardous Waste Generators
Landfills & Dumps Landfills & Dumps
Large On-site Septic Systems Large On-site Septic Systems
Waste Water Outfalls Waste Water Outfalls
Pesticide Loading, Mixing & Storage Pesticide Loading, Mixing & Storage
Salvage Yards Salvage Yards
Spray Irrigation Sites Spray Irrigation Sites
Tire Piles Tire Piles
Industrial Stormwater Facilities (17)