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snippet: The Cabinet Committee on State Planning Issues, through the Office of State Planning Coordination, originally developed the first Delaware Strategies for State Policies and Spending document published in 1999 to provide policy guidance for state activities and serve as a framework for coordinating the plans and actions of local governments. The importance of such coordination lies in the fact that land-use decisions are made at the local level, while the bulk of infrastructure (e.g., roads and schools) and services (e.g., emergency services and social services) that support land-use decisions are funded by the state. Thus the development of this document with local governments and citizens helps to create a unified view toward growth and preservation priorities that all governments can use to allocate resources.
summary: The Cabinet Committee on State Planning Issues, through the Office of State Planning Coordination, originally developed the first Delaware Strategies for State Policies and Spending document published in 1999 to provide policy guidance for state activities and serve as a framework for coordinating the plans and actions of local governments. The importance of such coordination lies in the fact that land-use decisions are made at the local level, while the bulk of infrastructure (e.g., roads and schools) and services (e.g., emergency services and social services) that support land-use decisions are funded by the state. Thus the development of this document with local governments and citizens helps to create a unified view toward growth and preservation priorities that all governments can use to allocate resources.
extent: [[-75.7890252783099,38.4511818866664],[-75.0481785244099,39.8395393984382]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: DE_State_Strategies_2020
type: Map Service
tags: ["FirstMap","Planning","State Strategies"]
culture: en-US
name: DE_State_Strategies_2020
guid: C6E67B9B-1F23-45A1-A561-314D68363662
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere