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Society/DE_Equity_Focus_Areas (MapServer)

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Service Description:

To Determine Equity Focus Areas for DelDOT at a more granular level than federally defined Justice40 tract levels. Analysis was conducted in 2022 through 2023 by Pennoni and DelDOT. First Map Land Use Land Cover 2017 - Used to Identify Residential Areas. 2019 ACS 5 year Summary Data.

American Community Survey Data (Block Group)

  • B03002 Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race; Total Population (e1), Hispanic or Latino (e12), Non-Hispanic Black (e4), Non-Hispanic Asian (e6) , American Indian B02001e4

  • B17021 Poverty Status of Individuals in the Past 12 Months by Living Arrangement; Total Population for whom poverty status is determined (e1), Income in the past 12 months below poverty level (e2)

  • B19013e1 Median Household Income

  • Aging Population Percentage (65+) Determined by the sum of fields B01001 Sex by Age; Male 65+ (Sum of e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25), Female 65+ (Sum of e44, e45, e46, e47, e48, e49)

  • Field Name “SumLimitedEnglish" Alias "Sum Household Limited English Speaking Status" used to determine Field "LimitedEnglishPercentage" alias "Language Isolation Percentage". Calculated as (SumlimitedEnglish/C16002e1) * 100.

 An Equity Focus Area is considered Moderate if one of the following situations is true:

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than the State Average (SA), AND Blacks or Hispanics or Asians or American Indians, are greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • Combined Population Percentage of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians is greater than 2x the SA, OR

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 2x the SA, OR

  • MHHI is less than or equal to $45,958 (65.49% of State MHHI), OR

  • Language Isolation is greater than or equal to 15% & less than 25%

An Equity Focus Area is considered Significant if one of the following situations is true:

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 2x the State Average (SA), AND Blacks or Hispanics or Asians or American Indians, are greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • Combined Population Percentage of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians is greater than 90%, OR

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • MHHI less than or equal to $28,070 (40.0% of State MHHI), OR

  • Language Isolation is greater than or equal 25%

State Averages (SA) by Neighborhood Group: 2019 State MHHI ($70,176), Poverty (11.75%), Black or African American (21.67%), Hispanics or Latinos (9.23%), Asians (3.83%), American Indians (0.39%), Combined Racial/Ethnic Minorities (35.12%), Federal Poverty Level for a Family of 4 is $27,750

Map Name: DE_Equity_Focus_Areas


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Layers: Description:

To Determine Equity Focus Areas for DelDOT at a more granular level than federally defined Justice40 tract levels. Analysis was conducted in 2022 through 2023 by Pennoni and DelDOT. First Map Land Use Land Cover 2017 - Used to Identify Residential Areas. 2019 ACS 5 year Summary Data.

American Community Survey Data (Block Group)

  • B03002 Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race; Total Population (e1), Hispanic or Latino (e12), Non-Hispanic Black (e4), Non-Hispanic Asian (e6) , American Indian B02001e4

  • B17021 Poverty Status of Individuals in the Past 12 Months by Living Arrangement; Total Population for whom poverty status is determined (e1), Income in the past 12 months below poverty level (e2)

  • B19013e1 Median Household Income

  • Aging Population Percentage (65+) Determined by the sum of fields B01001 Sex by Age; Male 65+ (Sum of e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25), Female 65+ (Sum of e44, e45, e46, e47, e48, e49)

  • Field Name “SumLimitedEnglish" Alias "Sum Household Limited English Speaking Status" used to determine Field "LimitedEnglishPercentage" alias "Language Isolation Percentage". Calculated as (SumlimitedEnglish/C16002e1) * 100.

 An Equity Focus Area is considered Moderate if one of the following situations is true:

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than the State Average (SA), AND Blacks or Hispanics or Asians or American Indians, are greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • Combined Population Percentage of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians is greater than 2x the SA, OR

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 2x the SA, OR

  • MHHI is less than or equal to $45,958 (65.49% of State MHHI), OR

  • Language Isolation is greater than or equal to 15% & less than 25%

An Equity Focus Area is considered Significant if one of the following situations is true:

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 2x the State Average (SA), AND Blacks or Hispanics or Asians or American Indians, are greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • Combined Population Percentage of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians is greater than 90%, OR

  • Percentage of Population in Poverty is greater than 3x the SA, OR

  • MHHI less than or equal to $28,070 (40.0% of State MHHI), OR

  • Language Isolation is greater than or equal 25%

State Averages (SA) by Neighborhood Group: 2019 State MHHI ($70,176), Poverty (11.75%), Black or African American (21.67%), Hispanics or Latinos (9.23%), Asians (3.83%), American Indians (0.39%), Combined Racial/Ethnic Minorities (35.12%), Federal Poverty Level for a Family of 4 is $27,750

Copyright Text: Lead by Pennoni & DelDOT. Supported by Wilmapco, DSHA, & DTI.

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

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